Here you’ll find information to help you organise an event should the time come that it would be safe to do so in your area.

Anyone is free to celebrate World Zombie Day, but the point of the day is to raise money for charity.

If you wish to have your event listed on the website please submit your details here:

Médecins Sans Frontières UK/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is an independent emergency medical aid organisation. MSF provides relief to the victims of war, natural disasters and epidemics irrespective of gender, race, creed, religion, or political convictions in more than 70 countries across the globe. Their teams are responding to the coronavirus emergency on multiple fronts—caring for patients, offering health education and mental health support, and providing training for vital infection control measures in health facilities around the world. MSF is working with local authorities in many of the countries where they have medical projects to help prepare for the impact of COVID-19. A key priority is to keep their regular medical programs running for the tens of thousands of patients and extremely vulnerable communities they help support. This pandemic threatens the lives of people around the world, and presents even greater risks in countries with weak or fragile health systems.
You can celebrate virtually, wherever you are, by organising your own online parties and spreading the word on social media that we are raising money in the aid of Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières UK).
October 10th, 2020
World Zombie Day is a day where we can celebrate and honour the undead by joining together in an international effort to better the planet through raising money for charity.